Okay, so I missed yesterday. I couldn't fall asleep easily and I ended up oversleeping...by...a lot of hours, but I was under no obligation to work that day. Hmm. Didn't see any interesting things either yesterday either.
So, today is the last day. A lot of interesting things. I went to a session in the morning (after sitting in the VIP/Speaker lounge as the door guard and listening to people talk about marketing and then Microsoft nerds talk about software archetecture and the ASUS EEE (I never saw that keyboard in person...damn.....its small....)...
However, there was a workshop from a guy who worked at Disney Online in LA concerning Free Will vs Narrative, that was really interesting. It was great, alongside all this tech stuff I've heard EVERYWHERE in the conference, to get something I actually understood. The concept of using the structure of story to drive the player towards goals, to give them goals in what they want to do, but at the same time allow them free will so as not to overwhelm them or make the story seem stale and "stuck there". Or if you give them not enough control, of course, it goes from being a game, to being an animated film, somewhat.
They used an example of the latest game they've made, Pirates of the Carribean online. I do admit, at first I wrote this game off as another horrid excuse for an online game, but look at the clips the man showed during the presentation, and I'm actually somewhat interested in downloading it in playing....it is free after all.
Anyways, eh, I need to go get ready to go home and stuff. See you in Spokane I suppose. It was an interesting conference, and what I wrote here probably isn't as crazy as experencing a game conference for real. Like I imagine...if I thought this place was insane....GDC must have be ZOMG SOOOOO INSANE! =D
ION 2008- Final Day
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1:25 PM
Day 1-ION 2008
So, I'm in Seattle, chilling and all. My head is spinning from that conference...like I said, there were a lot of higher-up people there and thusly a lot of the information was a bit outta my league.
Like the first session I ushered there, was a panel concerning the marketing and relationships between Asian gaming companies/MMOs (Such as in S. Korea) and Western ones. I didn't get to hear much, as the panel room quickly filled up and I had to step out, but what I did hear was eh, alright. They were talking a lot about how localization of games is fairly important in East<->Western relationships. I wrote a paper about this sort of stuff, so it makes sense to me. One of the panel members put it this way- while three characters in say, Korean, can mean a lot of words (The same goes for Japanese Kanji/Chinese characters), 3 characters in a Roman alphabet language (Ex, English), doesn't mean a great deal, so "8 characters for a name can not be enough".
There was also a little about how gameplay by players in say, Korea differs a lot from Western audiences. I learned a little fact that I didn't know about- apparently a lot of MMOs in S. Korea are free to play, unlike the Western world which the vast majority charges something. This was also an issue brought up in another panel I had to usher.
That was about all that I sat in on that one, like I said, I kinda got kicked out because there were gajillions of people in that room and of course, the business people who actually paid to be here probably needed the seat I was in more than somebody who was working at the time. It was a lot of talk about marketing success, so not too much about what I'm interested in....design, design, design.
The other panel I got to sit in was "Redefining Virtual Worlds for Mass Market Consumption", and well, had representatives as panelists from some of the biggest MMOs out there. There was a fellow from Linden Lab. There was a rep from Mindark (Entropia). Even the more casual games like Gaia Online were on the panel. (Hell, if you want the full "specs", go to the session page here.)
It was really interesting, the questions brought up during that panel. Many of these representatives tended not to think of online worlds as "virtual", and one person even flat out said "Why don't we just call them 'worlds'?". There was also a wide range of sorts of 'worlds' brought up during the panel.
In fact, the vast majority of the panel was about several very interesting and I think important issues.
- We are living in a time where the current generation is growing up with the terms of the virtual world as their entertainment, as their fun. In that context, like my generation grew up with the concept that video games like the Nintendo and the Genesis and so forth were "normal things to do", the kids see online games as "what you do for fun on the internet." One panelist said that "my son, recognizes that this avatar is Daddy." (I'm going to assume that he has a young son in that aspect). So we need to provide for them, with younger games and allow the games to "grow up" as they do.
-The rest of the panel pretty much was a pretty vivid discussion concerning Controlled Narrative vs. User Created Narrative. On one side of the table, we had the rep from Linden Lab's Seattle office, who, well, concerning Second Life, is totally the side of the MMOs that is open source, user generated content. It was interesting that he maintained that SL is like a company "like Cisco", who "provides tools" "provides framework" for the user to use it however they like.
Then we had I think, two other guys, who really, believed that a game really should have control concerning the narrative. They thought that while Second Life is a great concept, one of its perhaps, faults, is that the only people who really enjoy SL, are those users who can either A) find a niche in the wild of SL to either exist in a small portion of the worlds that are interesting or B) Those who are able to create their own context for being in SL (using the tools given to them, which are the ability to have land, "Prim" building, and the Linden Scripting Language, AKA LSL). Otherwise, they kind of float around SL, and you end up a lot of the times with people who "never spend a Linden" or "who have tried the game and said 'yeah, I tried it, but I never found anything to do. I didn't know what to do.' They compared it to the real world, in which Second Life has great places to go, but also some very dull ones. And
Somebody asked why can't in a place like SL, there at least be a sense of "structure of achievement", for example, jobs in SL that you work your way up of, for instance, starting as a pizza delivery guy and then as you go along, getting to the jobs like "Company head" and what not.
This was countered by the question of 'Who in the real world, creates these awards/achievements, and why should a company who has created a completely open world be totally responsible for providing such things? Who's responsible for providing narrative? Content? Etc,etc.'
I was also happy to hear some people in the panel (I think the person from Gaia Online) relating the narrative to games to animation/film, and acknowledging that things like Pixar films have incredibly crafted narratives within them. This person thought that people really, will get into worlds because of the narrative that is provided for them, but, there are some times when a user wants to openly explore. If they want something provided for them, there are quests, which yeah, they're finite with a set of parameters, and often offer user pleasure through an item or virtual currency which is awarded upon completion of said quest.
The rep from Mindark, well, thought that his company's product, Entropia Online, provided very well for both sides of this issue. On the issue of controlled narrative, they had their first planet created, Calypso, which was completely created by the developers and maintains a fairly closed source concerning the world. However, they are currently expanding with other 'planets' done by other developers in all sorts of countries, creating "meta-verses" within the big concept of "Entropia Online". (kinda like how Second Life has 'Islands', but concerning Second Life, I still think that needs a bit of work as when you fly over stuff, it all just really seems like one big mess of a world, not meta-worlds like what SL can be- if you teleport places and never fly...)
-With those things in mind, the panelists tried to ask the question concerning free-to-play MMOs and those with a subscription fee/premium. Most of them acknowledged that a lot of players, will not pay fees unless they really have a reason to be in the world, and a lot of times that is related to the things that have been provided to them by the company. Allowing the user to do what they want "because they can" might not bring as much money as one could hope for. (I really wanted to hear the Linden Lab's guy opinion about this issue, but he really didn't say much about it from what I remembered in terms of Second Life...I really don't know how much Linden Labs actually makes with Premium users vs their free users...I don't have a premium account on there...yeah...)
Then of course, being a panel, the attendees had a chance to contribute. Some of the things I wrote about in my notes that I really agreed with:
- While content/context can be Narrative, one person really thought that the narrative is also a community generated issue. So what should be important for mass-marketing a game is how the games become successful, how they become main-stream within society.
So in response, one of the panelists related a virtual world to "a bar"- with the right people it "becomes Cheers", the place where everybody wants to be.
- Controlled Narratives= gives fuel for narrative that the user will generate. For example, a teen doesn't always know what they want until they're provided examples.
-Games online are traditional storytelling minus the protagonist...
-One person thought that players controlling the vast part of the narrative is really, "depending on serendipity". A users "needs training wheels" to really understand the world they've been placed in before they can question and create.
-"The future is a niche market", meaning that as people have created webpages, things of the sort on the internet to satisfy their niches, online games need to do the same, and provide for the user with their content.
Whoa. Like I said. Lots of information going on there. If you want my personal thought- my likes tend to gravitate towards providing a basic sense of narrative to the player even in an online world. I suppose it comes from my training as an animator, that ya know, "Story is King" (And one of the panelists said this statement from I guess the gaming perspective, "Content is King, Context is Emperor")- so I appreciate the well crafted story and narratives within games. Really open worlds like Second Life do have problems with providing their users with the context of their world, they have the content, tools, to let the users create, but for what reason? Why should I care about this world when I don't yet have a reason to be in it? All I see are people just milling about the welcome areas, wandering among weird parcels of scattered objects, and when I actually do find a fairly interesting piece of land, it seems rather "foreign" and really are diamonds in the rough for a user like me who really doesn't have many "buddies" or what not in this world yet.
But, on the other hand, I do admit I really liked that concept that Second Life brought into the "mainstream" with the open source world. Its more than a game. It allowed me to infinitely customize my avatar with textures/attachments/an facial/body editor. I can build using prims, any model I so wish (although I do wish that well, they had things like Maya where you can carve, sculpt, and cut up the model...building using primitive shapes only can take quite awhile...), and I can do lots of things with their scripting language.
Hmm. So to sum that all up, my opinion is, gimmie a world where I can create, but at least find some degree of seperation between these creations so I don't feel so lost. If you really want to serve everybody, that is. There are times, that well, I do appreciate the games that provide just a little bit of context *cough*WoW*cough*, but allow their users to still, do their thing, maybe a bit of customizing, without much say from the company or anything beyond the general community they hang out with.
And as for the marketing of online games, well, this is certainly a rather perplexing thought, and currently my opinion about it is rather unformulated. From what I can gather, really, there's a wide variety of how games promote themselves, their missions to achieve such goals such as mass-marketing, and it really is just well, as I remember one of my professors at Ringling saying, a pretty open and "golden age" of discovery of such ways to do everything in gaming. Gaming is still a maturing industry.
Hmm, I may have rambled a bit there, but you get the idea. Tommorow I'm going to go to a few more sessions, so I might have more I want to blurt out to the random blog world...
Posted by
3:15 PM
We're off to Emerald City!
Hey, so, hope everybody is having a nice summer away from school. I'm not quite sure anybody still reads this. It all depends on whether or not RSS Feed is your friend, I suppose.
Anyways, in latest news: Monday- Thursday I will be in Seattle volunteering at ION 2008, a gaming conference there. It's fairly new out there in the world of gaming conferences, and is not really there for the student in mind. (More so for "networking" and events for higher-ups on the gaming chain...directors...heads of whatevers).
But, since I'm volunteering there, I get a view on this wide world of the top of the gaming industry that not many get.... I plan on when I'm not working, sitting in on some of the sessions that are going place there. In particular, I'm going to try and go to sessions that involve either game design or community in mind, as those two aspects of gaming I find particularly fascinating...I still don't know a great deal about game design when it comes to online gaming (As I don't really play them- I blame the weird arse semester I had last year mostly- I've been trying to get into Second Life and America's Army recently, but to not much avail.), and considering that a big part of online game is interacting with other users and community, I also figured this might be a good thing to look at.
(Besides- Im not quite sure I'm ready for the business aspect of online gaming quite yet...maybe when I get further along in deciding if I really want a part of the game industry for my job, really)
Pictures? Videos? Notes? I might try and get them while I'm there, but I really don't know. My digital camera has a tendancy to spazz out at the wrong moments and "break", and my trusty mini-Moleskine will have the job of note taking for me. Either way, if I find absolutely anything facinating enough to share, I might slap a summary or something up here. And if it sounds so interesting you want to know EVERY SINGLE THING, well, I imagine you could probably email and ask me nicely about the details of what I learned at such and such session.
Anyways, I'm really stoked about going to Seattle. It's a great city...I mean....when I'm not at the conference, like tommorow after I check into the hotel, I plan on doing all the geeky thing I normally do when I'm in Seattle. Go to the International District and stock up on Japanese snack foods/drinks at Uwajimaya, maybe some manga at Kinokuniya. Eat ramen at Samurai Noodle at LEAST once while I'm there. Try not to blow a whole wad of cash at Gameworks downtown (and I will probably horribly fail at that dream if they still have the Taiko no Tatsujin simulators or all those classic arcade machines/fighting games upstairs, lol). Coffee. Coffee. Coffee shops everywhere, and I will <3 every one of them that isn't a Starbucks. (Except for the original Starbucks at Pike Place...that one's cool.) Etc,etc.
So, to all the Spookaloo crew, see you in 4 days, and to any Ringling-ers who may be reading as well, hope you're having a good summer thus far!
Posted by
4:22 AM
Oh man, I <3 Second Life
So with my new computer (A Falcon Northwest FragBox..) , I finally can get access to a non buggy client of Second life (Seriously, the Mac Client STILL needs tweaks...blurgh and crashy).
Normally I find nothing worthwhile.
But hey, I found something out new today! Game developer types hang out on Second Life! On the Ahern Welcome Area, there were three people (one of them was Australian, the other two sounded American) chatting about various game developing stuff...from issues with Second Life to the advantages of using Linux vs Vista (gag), to whatever their company is doing today.
It was great to listen to. I don't have a mic to join in with all the fun, but it's great to listen to even if a quarter of it was halfway floating over my head...
It also makes me excited for next month. Hopefully I'll get to go to the Linden Lab session at ION...dunno if they'll have a booth or something liek that there. Hmm.
Anyways, just thought I'd blog about something GREAT I actually found on Second Life. FOR ONCE. >_>
Posted by
3:46 AM
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
So...last night I finally finished my latest DS game, Apollo Justice. It's another terrific addition to the Ace Attorney lineup of DS games, indeed. New characters, a few new quirks to the world, better graphics because this series was designed for the DS (Phoenix Wright=ported and improved slightly from GBA games released earlier in Japan), and a great storyline.
This is one of those wonderful detective stories you mentioned. The best thing this game does is let the player investigate and solve a story with neat little tools and evidence and dialog...yay. At least, that's why I love it.
I also like it because of the well...community. There are sites like Court-Records which are just a mass gathering of Phoenix Wright fans. I know a lot of people at Ringling who love the series in some way. And man, look what this game made me do!!
One of the best options for community and fandom= fan art. And fan fiction. And sprite edits. It's not often that I do fan art...but...I know I have a good game when I want to do something based from a video game.
(Either that or I was incredibly tired= I blame SitStand.)
Oh, and I also played more Brawl. Mmm. Smash. I'm getting better at it so I'm starting to enjoy it a bit more. A bit. I would enjoy it more if I wasn't against people who know the ins and outs of Smash and use the level editor to make wonky, non-beginner friendly arenas. >_<
But er....I'm out of DS games to play now. I haven't had time to play PS3 lately because of my animations. But that's okay, because this is the last post required for the blog, ne? I'll probably keep on using this though, so if you want to stick around every now and then, you're more than welcome to. Like in May, I have a volunteer op at a game conference in Seattle coming up, so I can post the insights I find at the conference here...probably...maybe....most likely. =D !!!
Posted by
12:07 PM
Now...normally I'm not a Smash Bros. fan. I found it rather silly.
Smash Bros. Brawl, which one of my roommates just bought for Wii= ZOMG, amazing. O_O
Because. It. Has Sonic. Enough said.
Sonic is high speed and...Sonic Spinball-y. Yes. I love Sonic because he's fast action paced like the rest of the games I play, in general just fun to play. (Megaman, Street Fighter, etc,etc...). But...Sonic was also my first favorite video game. He's the reason why I got a Genesis as my first console. Let's flash back to...1995 or so. I was young. An awesome game was often shown on a children's game show on Nick...Nick Arcade.
Hell yeah. Sonic 2. Needless to say, I would point at the TV and say: "Mom, can I have the system that has Sonic on it?"
Oh dear. I've gone off on a tangent, haven't I? So...the end point being:
I love Smash Bros Brawl because it has Sonic on it. And it's a better fighter than what Sega tried to do for a Sonic fighting game....SONIC: THE FIGHTERS! *DUN DUN DUN*
I so wanted to kill that game. THAT and Sonic R. I won't dare touch the Sonic The Hedgehog game out for 360/PS3 either, there's a reason why they're selling at GameStop for like 20 bucks used of course....=_=....need I really explain? In general Sega's actual Sonic Team has been crudding out horrible games lately, that it takes an effort by freakin NINTENDO to get it right. Imagine that! The once previous rivals of Sonic making Sonic in a Nintendo game, and it's DAMN GOOD! I could have never imagined, as a kid, a Sega fan back in the 90's, that it would have EVER come to THAT!
*laughs insanely for about two minutes*
*clears throat*
Tis all. I have Concept and CA work to do now. Hmm. Thus why I haven't been posting as much as I would have liked...my Sit Stand character is killing me with all its bugs. I suppose I do owe an analyzing opinion of Apollo Justice, which is the only other game I've gotten to play regularly (regularly=inbetween classes and when I'm supposed to be sleeping...urgh...).
Posted by
7:33 PM
I can use video games as exercise...because I'm a nerd?
Obviously, I'm a CA who's mission is to squeeze as much in as possible in the day- or face the concequences.
Exercise most of the time was not this....but then, after cleaning my room, I remembered something I could do now that I actually had a floor not covered in clothing.
Dance Dance Revolution.
Obviously, by now you know about this game, blah blah blah, and how it differs from what most consider the "standard" model of video games...the fact that you're using the controller with your feet and your body. It's one of the long line of attempts over the years to mix video games and physical activity. (I can still remember the days when I'd watch that Nick show "Wild and Crazy Kids" and the episodes with the Nintendo Power Pad and the track game...) .
(Yeah, THAT accessory went well...I mean....just look at the European version and it's a no brainer why the technology failed back then! I would have been too scared of those people on the box to even think about asking my mother to buy this thing for me if I had owned a NES!)
If I had more time around, I wish I could master the art of this. But I've never been able to hold my interest long enough due to burning calf muscles and 50 million other things I'd RATHER be doing.
But yet, when I took DDR out of my daily habit when I left high school and came here....or when I left that job as a camp counselor chasing and playing sports with kids last summer... my body...yeah...started to rebel from my Maya-filled lifestyle. In particular, those DARN CHAIRS IN THE CA LABS cause a fair amount of annoyance. I hope those things weren't ever labeled as "ergonomic" or something like that, as I can say they make my lower back cry to bloody hell after 10+ hours toiling away. (Which is not good considering I had a ruptured disc there a few years back from carrying a dictionary sized European History textbook to and from school everyday among the OTHER text books and art supplies.)
So I think, maybe I'll try this again, this whole "physical activity" thing. I will work. Then I will play with DDR. I have a feeling my body will like me better for it...I just played for like an hour and a half inbetween working and I feel a lot happier than before I started. Yay.
And on the same lines...I'm curious about Wii Fit which is coming out in a couple of months (although when it does in May- I do not own the Wii I use- so I won't be able to play it until next year- in theory). The Wii has made breakthroughs in how people aside from "gamers" view video games. Old people can play tennis, bowl...you can sharpen your skills both physically and mentally. Along side kicking butt as Mario and all the old school games I could want (as they are released on VC.) . I'm curious to see how the North American population will take Wii Fit. I'm not sure that it'll be come a big of a "fitness craze" as DDR was back in the day, but I guess I'll see...and then go back to playing Devil May Cry 4 or some other game I haven't beaten yet. Hmm.
So the message of the day I think is: This is one of the many ways video games are integrating into normal everyday life as something more than using a controller to move a character on the screen to accomplish objectives most people who were born prior to the 70's consider "useless". I've been really curious about what new innovations came outta GDC this year...how many other ways are on the horizon for games to be used as tools, not just entertainment. I probably should take the time to investigate gaming sites to see what happened.....after I do my CA work. >_>
Posted by
11:17 PM